Blue Jays vs. Pirates full game highlights from 5/6/23

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33 Responses

  1. I stated that if the pirates could take the series from the Ray's then there would be no doubt that they are for real. Well that never happened, in fact they got swept and are on the verge of getting swept by the Jay's. Well pirate fans it was good while it latest. Now back down to reality we go.

  2. Watching the Pirates only leads me to believe April was a major fluke, and only set up fans for a major, major disappointment. They have regressed to subpar baseball, which proves my point of how easy it is to get on a losing streak and not recover through October.

  3. I laughed back before Bo was signed their were comments claiming the Jays did not want to sign Bo and trade him because of a perceived weakness on defence. I thought “ Am I missing something”, because he is a GREAT Bat with better than average defensive skills. Here we are to day leading the American League in hits and a work effort second to none. It just goes to show not all fans know what they are talking about and how quick some Toronto Fans are to throw they’re players under the bus. GO LEAFS

  4. The Pirates are settling back into true Pirate form I see. At least the month of April was fun. Please not another 90+ game loss season…Goooo Bucks. 😭

  5. Pirates going back to where they originally belonged. It was nice to see your fun ride till it lasted and this is coming from a division rival team's fan.

  6. Told you pirate fans but no “this team is different” lol yeah right different triple A team with same cheap owner that makes around 240….spends 50–60 mill on roster.

    If you want them to win stop going to the games or watching them on TV and owner will be forced to spend more.

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