In a recent interview, renowned casting director Mukesh Chhabra offered a playful yet serious warning to Indian cricket superstar Virat Kohli, advising him to steer clear of the film industry. While praising Kohli’s acting abilities, Chhabra emphasized that the cricketer should focus on his successful sports career rather than pursuing acting, even after retirement.
Mukesh Chhabra’s praise for Virat Kohli
During the conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia, Chhabra acknowledged Kohli’s talent, stating, “He is already a great actor. He has handled success beautifully and maintained himself on every level – competition, looks, fitness, and mentally.” He highlighted Kohli’s relatable personality, describing him as a “great husband and great father,” and noted that the cricketer has become a role model for many.
Chhabra further added, “He is also so funny. He will dance, mimic, and his comic timing is great. He is doing very well in making the country proud, and he should stay where he is and not join films.” His comments reflect a belief that Kohli’s contributions to cricket and his role as a public figure are more valuable than any potential acting career.
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Chhabra’s warning to Kohli
When pressed about the possibility of Kohli turning to acting after his cricket career, Chhabra firmly stated, “He should not join films even after retiring from his cricket career. He is genuinely a smart guy, not a cunning one.” This remark underscores Chhabra’s view that Kohli’s current path is more beneficial for him and his fans.
Kohli’s current endeavours
Kohli, who recently guided India to victory in the T20 World Cup 2024, has established himself as one of the most iconic figures in cricket. His charismatic personality and widespread appeal have made him a top choice for high-profile brand endorsements, further solidifying his status beyond the cricket field. Kohli’s marriage to Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma has also kept him in the public eye, but Chhabra believes that Kohli should focus on his cricketing legacy rather than venture into acting.