A Chelsea fan has been banned from football matches for three years after barging into Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Dubravka during the League Cup quarter final.

A ‘euphoric’ Jordan Chidley, 25, ran onto the pitch to celebrate after Chelsea scored an equaliser in extra time during the match at Stamford Bridge on December 19, 2023.

He will now miss out on seeing his team in the final later this month.

Chidley, a gas fitter, has been attending Chelsea games since he was four but his actions were described as ‘stupid’ rather than ‘malicious’.

One of the stadium’s stewards tried to grab him, but Chidley evaded their grasp and barged into Dubravka.

The fan who barged into Newcastle’s Martin Dubravka after Chelsea scored their equalising goal during the Carabao Cup quarter-final in December has been banned for three years

The supporter Jordan Chidley, 25, appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday

The supporter Jordan Chidley, 25, appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday

He was later charged with assaulting the goalkeeper and unlawfully going onto the playing area at a football match.

Appearing today at Westminster Magistrates Court, Chidley pleaded guilty to both offences.

Prosecutor Malachy Pakenham described the Chelsea fan’s actions as ‘overexuberant celebrations.’

‘This offence is in the lowest category of harm,’ he added.

Chidley’s defence barrister told the court he acted ‘out of euphoria’ and ‘would never do anything like this again’.

She said: ‘He has no previous convictions and admitted the allegation at the first opportunity.

‘The character references we have provided to the court are extremely important, and, Judge, I hope you get from them what I did – which is that this young man will never appear before the courts again.

‘He did get carried away. Chelsea had scored, and this was done out of euphoria.

Dubravka attempted to push the pitch invader away after he ran towards the goalkeeper

Dubravka attempted to push the pitch invader away after he ran towards the goalkeeper

Chidley, pictured scurrying back to the Stamford Bridge stands, pleaded guilty to assaulting the Newcastle goalkeeper and unlawfully going onto the playing area at a football match

Chidley, pictured scurrying back to the Stamford Bridge stands, pleaded guilty to assaulting the Newcastle goalkeeper and unlawfully going onto the playing area at a football match

‘It wasn’t anything malicious. It was not his intention to cause fear or harm. 

‘His father is a Chelsea fan and has been a ticket holder for 30 years, and this young man has been to matches since he was four years old.

‘He is always polite and always behaves appropriately.’

Chidley's actions om the night were described as 'stupid' rather than 'malicious'

Chidley’s actions om the night were described as ‘stupid’ rather than ‘malicious’

She then requested that District Judge Neeta Minhas did not impose a banning order.

‘I would ask you to consider not imposing the order, given the context in which this happened, which was stupidity rather than malice.

‘This will never, ever happen again. He doesn’t need to be punished by being banned from football.

‘He is an ordinarily law-abiding citizen, who does not go out and cause trouble.’

Chidley, wearing a suit, listened attentively from the dock while his father and partner watched from the public gallery.

Handing out the sentence, District Judge Minhas said: ‘The character references are excellent, and this offence is within the lowest category, meaning it falls within the financial bracket.

‘Nothing more serious, as there is no harm and no injury.

‘The thing that makes it serious, however, is the fact that it was at a football ground, and that the stewards manage this by making sure people follow the rules.

‘When one rule is broken, the risk is bigger.

‘So when I’m sentencing you, I want to deter other people from doing this.’

She handed down a fine of £1,215 and decided to proceed with a banning order, despite the defence’s protestations.

District Judge Minhas said: ‘I accept that looking at your character references, this is unusual.

Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino criticised the fan for his reckless behaviour after the game

Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino criticised the fan for his reckless behaviour after the game

‘But I have to think about the message I send out with my sentence.

‘I will therefore make a football banning order for three years, starting from today.’

It was agreed that Chidley could pay the fine in monthly instalments, given that he and his partner recently purchased a house.

Chelsea went on to win the game 4-2 on penalties and after beating Middlesbrough 6-2 on aggregate in the semi finals have made it to the final against Liverpool on February 25.

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