Watch extended highlights from Liverpool’s 2023/24 Premier League season opener away at Chelsea.

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41 Responses

  1. Mac and Linux will not do anything for play making in Liverpool, and your plan became exposed as well, i am sending my warnings from now before it's over! you have been destroying this team for years.

  2. Why are we sining endo?,shows how we have fallen as a club I guess.What other top club would do this signing.30 years old playing for a team that almost got relegated from bundesliga.

  3. What's happening? In any big club, someone should be able to play a no 6 role. I'm sick of hearing excuses. We have players who can do it. We should have won this game by a mile. We didn't because we gave in to the hype and we were overrun in midfield. Panic stations and playing a ridiculous formation. No plan B. Never has been, and it will ruin us. I love you Jurgen, but if you don't stop being so bloody stubborn, we're winning nothing.

  4. We were a bit sloppy and a bit unlucky in this match, and we lost the 2 points we always needed as a momentum booster. 
    Anyhow, we still have some of the greatest players in the PL and in the world, and we can bulldoze through all the way to the very top with the right attitude and the right "tactical decisions"…

  5. That handball gets weirder and more of a penalty every time I see it. Exactly the same thing happened in the Women’s World Cup to (Liverpool and Japan’s) Fuka Nagano. Ball flicked on, hands up and slightly out, immediately called a PK. This one? Same exact thing, no call. Utterly baffling.

  6. Liverpool played exceptional football…but somehow seemed to run out of energy. We need to get hansi flicks old fitness coach at Bayern coz they were HIGH ENERGY HIGH INTENSITY TEAM !!! Overall we played fantastic football 👏👏👏

  7. Plz continue the extended highlights videos I enjoy this more than the shortened form I came here to leave this comment since there isn't one For the Bournemouth game Keep up the good work guys

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