Jermaine Jenas Recounts Tottenham Players Falling Ill Before Infamous ‘Lasagne-Gate’ Defeat to West Ham in 2006: Hammers’ Celebrations Sparked Rivalry

Jermaine Jenas Recounts Tottenham Players Falling Ill Before Infamous ‘Lasagne-Gate’ Defeat to West Ham in 2006: Hammers’ Celebrations Sparked Rivalry

Jermaine Jenas has revealed ten Tottenham players were sick as their infamous ‘lasagne-gate’ defeat against West Ham cost them a Champions League spot back in 2006.

Spurs went into the final game of the season away against West Ham knowing they would qualify for the Champions League for the first time in history if they won at Upton Park. 

A draw would also been sufficient provided Arsenal did not beat Wigan in their last ever game at Highbury.

But a number of Spurs players fell ill the night before with suspected food poisoning, which was blamed on a dodgy hotel lasagna.

It later emerged an outbreak of norovirus that swept through the squad was responsible for the violent sickness that derailed their Champions League bid.

Mark Noble admitted being surprised by the revelation 10 Spurs players were ill

Jermaine Jenas told Mark Noble 10 Tottenham players felt sick in their infamous ‘lasagna-gate’ game against West Ham on the final day of the 2005-06 season 

Spurs lost 2-1 to West Ham at Upton Park on the final day of the season and were pipped to a Champions League spot by Arsenal

Spurs lost 2-1 to West Ham at Upton Park on the final day of the season and were pipped to a Champions League spot by Arsenal 

Their energy sapped by the bug, Tottenham lost 2-1 against West Ham, while Thierry Henry scored a hat-trick as Arsenal beat Wigan 4-2 to qualify for European football’s top competition at their local rivals’ expense.

‘There was this moment where we were sat in the dressing room and there were eight, nine, 10 people being sick everywhere,’ Jenas, who did not feature against West Ham, told former Hammers captain Mark Noble on TNT Sports.

‘One is in the toilet, one’s in the sink, one’s in a bucket, everyone’s just being sick everywhere.’

Jenas added that Michael Carrick had to dissuade Martin Jol from replacing Edgar Davids, on the basis the Dutchman was the only player who was not suffering from the virus.

The former Juventus and Barcelona midfielder delivered a sub-par performance, but Carrick pleaded with Jol to be taken off instead as he was struggling with food poisoning.

‘Edgar [Davids] was the only player that didn’t have any type of food poisoning and he had a nightmare on the day,’ Jenas explained. 

‘So he [Jol] has gone up to get the board up to take off Edgar, and Michael Carrick has come running over and gone: “Don’t you dare – I can’t last another second on this pitch, take me off now”. 

‘He had to keep Edgar on – that’s how bad Carrick and everybody else was. It was just everybody being sick, it was horrendous.’

Spurs players were feeling sick after an outbreak of norovirus swept through the squad

Spurs players were feeling sick after an outbreak of norovirus swept through the squad

Yossi Benayoun scored the winner 10 minutes from time to condemn Spurs to a 2-1 defeat

Yossi Benayoun scored the winner 10 minutes from time to condemn Spurs to a 2-1 defeat

West Ham players celebrated the win wildly on and off the pitch after denting their rivals' hopes of qualifying for the Champions League for the first time ever

West Ham players celebrated the win wildly on and off the pitch after denting their rivals’ hopes of qualifying for the Champions League for the first time ever 

Noble, who was on loan at Hull at the time, admitted being surprised by the revelation up to ten players were sick. 

‘It’s mad you say that because until this day, I’ve never spoken to a Spurs player about that day,’ he told Jenas.

‘Obviously I heard. But I’ve never had a Spurs player say the boys were being sick. We just thought “Oh yeah, there were one or two players”.’

Carl Fletcher put West Ham ahead after 10 minutes at the same time as Paul Scharner cancelled out Robert Pires’ opener for Arsenal.

David Thompson put Wigan ahead with 33 minutes played, before Henry equalised two minutes later when Jermaine Defoe also restored parity at Upton Park.

But while Henry scored twice in the second half, Spurs could not find a winner and conceded a second as Yossi Benayoun fired home 10 minutes from time.

Tottenham’s demise was met with joyous scenes on and off the pitch at Upton Park and Jenas believes the raucous celebrations only exacerbated the rivalry between the two clubs.

Thierry Henry (middle) scored a hat-trick as Arsenal beat Wigan 4-2 on the same day

Thierry Henry (middle) scored a hat-trick as Arsenal beat Wigan 4-2 on the same day

The Gunners pipped Spurs to fourth place on their last-ever match at Highbury

The Gunners pipped Spurs to fourth place on their last-ever match at Highbury

‘The moment [the rivalry] hit me, from a Spurs perspective, that there’s a dislike now, was when we apparently got poisoned with lasagna,’ he said.

‘Last game of the season, we’ve got Arsenal on the ropes. We’ve just got to beat yourselves [West Ham] and we’re in the Champions League for the first time.

‘And then all you could hear was the biggest party ever going on in the dressing room opposite. […] The minute I heard that music, I was like, “Something has ignited now”.’


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