Moving Tributes and Minute of Applause Honor Sir Bobby Charlton at Old Trafford Prior to Manchester Derby: United and City Fans Unite with Club Legends to Grieve the Loss of the Illustrious England Great

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Sir Bobby Charlton was remembered at Old Trafford with a moving tribute ahead of Manchester United’s match against Manchester City. 

A minute of applause was held and club greats from United and City gathered around the centre circle while a huge banner was held aloft. 

Pat Crerand, Mike Summerbee, John Aston, Alex Stepney, Brian Kidd, and Tony Book stood together around a tribute which read: ‘Sir Bobby Charlton, 1937-2023: Forever Loved’. 

In the Sir Alex Ferguson Stand, fans held up white sheets to spell out ‘Sir Bobby’. 

Outside the ground, thousands of flowers, balloons, photos, and cards were laid around the United Trinity statue of Charlton, George Best, and Denis Law. 

The minute’s tribute to Charlton was observed impeccably as fans clapped and started in chanting in his name. 

More to follow.  

Old Trafford paid tribute to Sir Bobby Charlton in Manchester United’s the first Premier League game since his passing 

Former team-mates and opponents John Aston, Tony Book, Pat Crerand, Alex Stepney, Brian Kidd, and Mike Summerbee paid tribute to Charlton

Former team-mates and opponents John Aston, Tony Book, Pat Crerand, Alex Stepney, Brian Kidd, and Mike Summerbee paid tribute to Charlton 

Fans held tribute aloft in the stands and clapped and sang during a minute dedicated to him

Fans held tribute aloft in the stands and clapped and sang during a minute dedicated to him

Players past and present gathered around the centre circle to remember the England great

Players past and present gathered around the centre circle to remember the England great 

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