Nick Sirianni says defense wasn’t meeting expectations in promoting Matt Patricia

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Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni demoted defensive coordinator Sean Desai and made assistant Matt Patricia the team’s defensive play caller, and he said after Monday night’s loss to the Seahawks that it was a response to a struggling defense that needs to get better.

“I made the decision,” Sirianni said. “I did what I thought I needed to do in the best interest of the football team. We made some adjustments there. I didn’t feel like we were playing and coaching well enough on defense, so I made an adjustment. It was my decision and that’s what I did.”

Sirianni said Patricia now has final say on defensive play calling but Desai is still involved.

“All the final decisions are made by Matt right now,” Sirianni said. “As disappointed as Sean was, I think he handled himself like a true pro. Sean is still helpful to this football team because he has a bright mind and he can help and as I listened in on defense today they were communicating back and forth very similar to the way they communicated with the roles reversed.”

The Eagles’ defense played well for most of the game on Monday night — until the most important moment, when it allowed Seahawks backup quarterback Drew Lock to march the team down the field on a 10-play, 92-yard drive that ended with Seattle’s game-winning touchdown. The Eagles’ 20-17 loss has them on a three-game losing streak.

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